FiG. 1. — Cleveland's needle holder; Emmet's tenaculum; Tuttle's
cervix scissors (right and left) ; double volsella forceps; Dudley's
cervix needle.
fully preserving the proper distance from the os
and surrounding the cervix with Valtrex Order a circular incision,
which usually corresponds to the line surrounding
the cervix at its greatest periphery. The mucous
membrane of the vagina is then v^fiped back with
gauze to Valtrex To Buy the desired height, that is, to a point above
the diseased tissue. The cervix is then amputated
with scissors by clean cuts at right angles to the
long axis of the uterus. Two sutures are placed
in the centre, in front, and two behind to bind the
mucous Valtrex On Line membrane of the vagina Valtrex Online to that of the
cervix to insure a new canal which will not con-
tract. These are passed first, then the sutures
passing from before backward, picking up the mu-
cous membrane of the vagina, then entering the
solid tissue of the cervix beside the canal, emerg-
ing and Valtrex 500mg picking up the vaginal mucous membrane
of the posterior wall. From three to five sutures
are used on either side at intervals of about one
quarter of an inch, picking up the solid tissue of the
cervix as well as the mucous membrane in front and
behind. After all sutures have been passed, they
are tied, beginning with the central ones, which
pass into the cervical canal, then tying those on the
side. For better understanding of the technic, see
Figs. 1 and 2. The instruments used are also
shown in Fig. 1.
In Buy Valtrex cases of severe dysmenorrhea accompanying
anteflexion and where sterility also exists, care
must be used not to amputate the cervix too How To Order Valtrex high.
If the Cheap Valtrex amputation extends as far as the internal
OS, the patient will be unable to carry a fetus to
term and abortion will occur almost invariably be-
tween the third and fourth month, the circular
fibres in the cervi.x which keep it closed having
been cut away. As soon as its tissues become
softened as a result of pregnancy and the fetus
begins to attain weight, it sags down into the lower
segment which starts dilatation with the invariable
result of being expelled.
If the amputation Valtrex Mg is made to extend to a point
within one third of an inch of the internal os, it
will easily accomplish the' purpose attempted and
at the same time preserve Order Valtrex for the patient the ability
to carry a fetus to term.
A modification of this operation which has a
distinct field of usefulness constitutes a combina-
tion amputation trachelorraphy. This is suitable
for cases in which the laceration has extended to
or almost to the internal os. The amputation if
carried beyond the point of the Buying Valtrex laceration would
remove so much of the cervix that childbearing
would not be possible. By amputation of the an-
terior and posterior lips, and then by cutting out
a wedge shaped piece from the site of the laceration
on the sides, the operation may be completed, yet
leaving a sufficient Online Valtrex amount of the cervix to make
childbearing possible. In labors following ampu-
tation of the Valtrex Purchase cervix, it is not especially prone to
tearing, but if this should occur it should be re-
paired again.
Since amputation of the cervix is frequently one 500 Mg Valtrex
of several operations done at the same time, the
postoperative care is embraced in that which is
observed for the sum total of the operations done.
But where it is Valtrex Buy Online the primary and ciiief operation,
the care resolves itself to that of amputation of the
cervix alone. A patient should remain in bed for
at least ten days. Douches are unnecessary, ex-
cept at about the Purchase Valtrex tenth day, when a bichloride
douche of one to six thousand may be given and
repeated every Valtrex Buy other day for eight days. Other
[New York
EDiCAL Journal.
aftertreaiiiieiit consists in the usual attention to the Get Valtrex
bowels, the diet and the general comfort of the
patient. It is unnecessary and bad technic to place
gauze in or against the cervix after operation.
References. Valacyclovir Valtrex
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